Crab Jobs

Table of Contents

Some important links

  1. Recover of task link
  2. Running CMSSW code on the Grid using CRAB3:
  3. Crab FAQ:

How to Fix Max Wall Clock Time Issue

crab resubmit JobName --maxmemory=5000

NOTE: For 1 core job maximum allowed memory is 5000 MB.

There are several parameters that one can update on the fly while resubmitting the crab jobs. To check:

crab resubmit --help

Crab remake instructions

  1. check the task name.
  2. If the task name is 200820_190349:rasharma_crab_QCD_HT50to100_TuneCP5_13TeV-madgraphMLM-pythia8 then remake it using command:
    crab remake --task=200820_190349:rasharma_crab_QCD_HT50to100_TuneCP5_13TeV-madgraphMLM-pythia8

Recover a task

Recover of task link

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