CMS Full Detector Simulations based on mccm chain

Table of Contents


I prepared a repository where I added a script that helps us to get easily the custom nanoAOD or the full cmssw detector simulation starting from the gridpack. The repository is available on GitHub: CMS_FulllSimulation

Getting Started with the Repository

To begin using the CMS Full Simulation tools, you’ll need to clone the repository and navigate to the main directory:

git clone -b main
cd CMS_FulllSimulation

Key Components

The main script of the repository is, a Python script that automates the entire process from downloading the required scripts to submitting jobs via a Condor cluster. Here are the main tasks it performs:

  1. Downloading Scripts: Automatically fetches scripts from specified URLs.
  2. Script Modification and Parsing: Modifies scripts and extracts CMSSW version and configuration file information. The number of events and the logger frequency need to be updated by hand.
  3. Executable and JDL File Generation: Creates executable scripts and Job Description Language (JDL) files for Condor job submission.
  4. Job Submission: Submits the jobs using the generated JDL files.

The workflow relies on external files such as for managing download links and for listing the gridpacks needed with path.

Step-by-Step Simulation Process

The simulation process involves several steps, which are outlined in the repository’s README file:

  1. Prepare Configuration Files: Generate Python configuration files required for each stage of the simulation using CMSDriver commands.
  2. Modify Configuration: Append a random number generator to the configuration to ensure unique event generation, number of events, logger frequency, gridpack path, etc.
  3. Run Scripts Sequentially: Execute each script in the proper sequence to process events through multiple CMS data formats.


This repository significantly simplifies the task of running full detector simulations for the CMS experiment.

Repository Link

All code and detailed instructions are available on GitHub: CMS_FulllSimulation

Feel free to clone, explore, and contribute to the improvement of this tools.

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