GridPack Generation
Table of Contents
MadGraph Introduction
Inputs for GridPack Generation
There are several input file one need for the GridPack generation. They are:
proc card: Example
- Proc card contains the information for the process to generate.
madspin card: Example
- If one need to decay a particle (say W-boson) then add the corresponding information in this file.
run card: Example
- run card sets parameters of run. Like: number of events, beam type and its energy, which pdf we would like to use, some cuts on particle properties like on pt, eta, etc.
- model card: Example
- If the physics model that we are using is not SM then we need to add the model name in this card.
- customize card: Example
- If one need to modify some parameter of the genration then pass the corresponding information in this file.
- reweight card: Example
- If one need to generate sample with same model but by varying some parameter of a model. Then instead of generating additional sample for each parameter one can add these information in reweight card and it saves weights corresponding to each parameters.
How To Generate
Generate GridPack
- Checkout the
package from github:git clone
Add the necessary input cards at the appropriate place:
#Path where one need to put cards cd bin/MadGraph5_aMCatNLO/cards/production/13TeV/ #create the directory where you will put the cards mkdir Test #Place the cards inside the `Test` directory
- To run gridpack generation interactively: <CardName> <CardPath>
Submit the batch job for gridpack generation
./ <memoryInMBytes> <diskInMBytes> <queueForMasterJob> <name of process card without _proc_card.dat> <folder containing cards relative to current location> <queue>
- NOTE: Nice script exists by Ramanpreet to submit jobs over condor using genproduction: here
- Follow the README in the link
- NOTE: Nice script exists by Ramanpreet to submit jobs over condor using genproduction: here
Gridpack generation using CMSConnect
settings in gridpack generation script:
CMS Connect:
Generate Events from GridPack
cmsrel CMSSW_X_Y_Z
cd CMSSW_X_Y_Z/src
tar -xavf <path of gridpack creation>/<TarFileName>.tar.xz
./ <NEvents> <RandomSeed> <NumberOfCPUs>
Possible Issues
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