GridPack Generation

Table of Contents

MadGraph Introduction

Inputs for GridPack Generation

There are several input file one need for the GridPack generation. They are:

  1. proc card: Example

    1. Proc card contains the information for the process to generate.
  2. madspin card: Example

    1. If one need to decay a particle (say W-boson) then add the corresponding information in this file.
  3. run card: Example

    1. run card sets parameters of run. Like: number of events, beam type and its energy, which pdf we would like to use, some cuts on particle properties like on pt, eta, etc.
  4. model card: Example
    1. If the physics model that we are using is not SM then we need to add the model name in this card.
  5. customize card: Example
    1. If one need to modify some parameter of the genration then pass the corresponding information in this file.
  6. reweight card: Example
    1. If one need to generate sample with same model but by varying some parameter of a model. Then instead of generating additional sample for each parameter one can add these information in reweight card and it saves weights corresponding to each parameters.

How To Generate

Generate GridPack

  1. Checkout the genproductions package from github:
    git clone
  2. Add the necessary input cards at the appropriate place:

    #Path where one need to put cards
    cd bin/MadGraph5_aMCatNLO/cards/production/13TeV/
    #create the directory where you will put the cards
    mkdir Test
    #Place the cards inside the `Test` directory

    Example card:

  3. To run gridpack generation interactively: <CardName> <CardPath>
  4. Submit the batch job for gridpack generation

    ./ <memoryInMBytes> <diskInMBytes> <queueForMasterJob> <name of process card without _proc_card.dat> <folder containing cards relative to current location> <queue>
    • NOTE: Nice script exists by Ramanpreet to submit jobs over condor using genproduction: here
      • Follow the README in the link

Gridpack generation using CMSConnect


settings in gridpack generation script:

CMS Connect:

Generate Events from GridPack

    cmsrel CMSSW_X_Y_Z
    cd CMSSW_X_Y_Z/src
    tar -xavf <path of gridpack creation>/<TarFileName>.tar.xz
    ./ <NEvents> <RandomSeed> <NumberOfCPUs>



Possible Issues

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