Explore HLT Configuration Editor

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This should work: https://indico.cern.ch/event/850482/contributions/3574537/attachments/1921748/3179298/20191008_HLTTutorial_ConfDB_KPLee_v2_1.pdf

last time I directly cloned

git clone <https://github.com/cms-sw/hlt-confdb>




  1. Go to: https://cmsweb.cern.ch/confdb/
  2. click on Explore Database
  3. click on cdaq
  4. click on Physics
  5. click on Run2016 or whatever run you would like to see
  6. click on special run or on 25ns15e33 (e.g.)
  7. click on the latest version
  8. Then click on the detailed view
  9. Search your trigger from the list
  10. Select the last filter of the sequence

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