CMS Analysis

Table of Contents

Important Steps With References

CMS dataset naming convention

CMS dataset name follows the following conventions:



  • PROCESS is the Phyics process in the sample, e.g. QCD, TT, W, DY
  • RANGETYPE is the variable the sample is binned in, e.g. PT,M
  • RANGELOW is the lower bound of that range in GeV, e.g. 0,10,200
  • RANGEHIGH is the upper bound
  • FILTER denotes information on additional filters applied
  • TUNE is the underlying-event tune (e.g. TuneZ2Star)
  • COMMENT for additional comments
  • COMENERGY cnter of mass collision enetgy, e.g. 7TeV, 10TeV
  • GENERATOR is the generator used, e.g. pythia6, herwigpp, sherpa


How to search CMS dataset for analysis

  1. Locate data sample from DAS:
  2. To check the latest recommended available dataset check the official PdmV twiki:
  3. Generator group gitbook: How to search for datasets in mcm

Compute Cross Sections with the GenXSecAnalyzer


  1. What is PackedCandidate collection?


  2. What is difference between PackedCandidate and associatedPackedPFCandidates?

HIP Problem (2016)

  • High energy deposition in the bulk of the SiStrip sensors can cause a temporary saturation of the APV25 front-end chip and introduce significant dead-time into the detector readout system.
  • The High Energy Deposition can be caused by inelastic interactions between hadrons and the nuclei of silicon sensors producing fragments that highly ionize the sensor: These particles are generally referred to as Highly Ionizing Particles.
  • A HIP, when crossing a tracker module, can blind an APV for ~28 bunch crossings (~700ns).
  • pre-VFP era: The era when the HIP effect was there.
  • post-VFP era: The era when the HIP effect was not there
  • VFP: Preamplifier Feedback Voltage Bias

Detailed explanation of this effect: Master thesis of Markéta JANSOVÁ:

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