Higgs Combine Tool

Table of Contents

What is CMS Combine tool?

RooStats/RooFit - based software tools used for statistical analysis within the CMS. This provides a command line interface to many different statistical techniques available inside RooFit/RooStat.

Some references

  1. Github page of CMS combine document: link
  2. Combine Tutorial: Fit Diagnostics: link
  3. Debugging failing fits: link
  4. Higgs combine tutorial links: link


  1. Conventions to be used when preparing inputs for Higgs combinations: link

  2. How we can fit and float the rate for a particular process:

For this in combine there is an option of “rateParam”. We can check more details here: link1 and link2

  1. To freeze we can use the following syntax:

    Yield_qqZZ rateParam a2_recobin0 bkg_qqzz  1
    nuisance edit  freeze Yield_qqZZ

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