CMS Grid Certificate

Table of Contents

Grid Certificate Installation

  • Get new grid certificate from link :

  • Backup certificate from FireFox/safari and name it as cert.p12.

  • Copy file cert.p12 on lxplus (or lpc) home directory.

  • To create the .pem files from the .p12 certicicate, and set the correct permissions. Go to lxplus and run following commands:

    mkdir $HOME/.globus
    openssl pkcs12 -in cert.p12 -clcerts -nokeys -out $HOME/.globus/usercert.pem
    openssl pkcs12 -in cert.p12 -nocerts -out $HOME/.globus/userkey.pem
    chmod 400 $HOME/.globus/userkey.pem
    chmod 600 $HOME/.globus/usercert.pem
    chmod go-rx $HOME/.globus
    fs setacl -dir $HOME/.globus -acl system:anyuser l   # this command will work on lxplus  only
  • Test the setup using:

    voms-proxy-init -voms cms
    voms-proxy-info -all

Check when is your certificate expiring (From lxplus terminal)

openssl x509  -subject -dates -noout  -in $HOME/.globus/usercert.pem

computing at LPC


Change the default shell at lpc:


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