EOS uses

Table of Contents

Open a file from EOS

To open a file we must specify the redirector to find the file. This redirector depends on our region, to minimize the distance over which the data must travel and thus minimizing the reading latency.

  • If working in US: root://cmsxrootd.fnal.gov//

  • if working in Europe and Asia: root://xrootd-cms.infn.it//

  • global redirector: root://cms-xrd-global.cern.ch//

  • Redirector for CERNBOX eos: root://eosuser.cern.ch//eos/user/<UserNameInitial/<UserName>/

  • Open a file using ROOT: If you are using bare ROOT, you can open files in the xrootd service just like you would any other file:

TFile *f =TFile::Open("root://cmsxrootd.fnal.gov///store/mc/SAM/GenericTTbar/GEN-SIM-RECO/CMSSW_5_3_1_START53_V5-v1/0013/CE4D66EB-5AAE-E111-96D6-003048D37524.root");

BEWARE: Do not use the apparently equivalent syntax, which is known not to work :


Open a file in condor batch or CERN batch jobs

Condor Jobs

If one wants to use local condor batch to analyze user/group skims located at remote sites. The only modification needed is adding:

use_x509userproxy = true

in your condor jdl file (the file which defines universe, Executable, etc..).

Remember: Before submitting the jobs you must have a valid grid proxy. For this run the command:

voms-proxy-init --voms cms --valid 168:00

Output of above command contains your valid grid proxy. Condor will pass this information to the working node of the condor batch.

CERN Batch Jobs

Jobs submitted to the CERN batch farm will look for a valid grid proxy in the location pointed to by the environment variable $X509_USER_PROXY. (If $X509_USER_PROXY is not set, Xrootd looks for the proxy in the default location in /tmp.)

To make your proxy available to the lxbatch jobs, first copy your proxy to an area in afs, for example your home directory:

cp /tmp/x509up_uXXXX  /afs/cern.ch/user/u/username/

If you are submitting a job with bsub myscript.sh, then in myscript.sh, set this environment variable:

export X509_USER_PROXY=/afs/cern.ch/user/u/username/x509up_uXXXX

Reference: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMSPublic/WorkBookXrootdService

FNAL EOS (some useful commands)

Ref: http://uscms.org/uscms_at_work/computing/LPC/usingEOSAtLPC.shtml

  • Check personal quota: eosquota

  • Check group quota: eosgrpquota lnujj

  • Reading from from FNAL eos: root://cmseos.fnal.gov//store/

Disk Quota Info


  • EOS quota per user: 2 TB
  • nobackup area (/uscms/home/<userName>/nobackup): 100 GB/user
  • home area (/uscms/home/<userName>) = 2 GB/user
  • Space without quota for 3 day life time /uscmst1b_scratch/lpc1/3DayLifetime/<username>. As the name suggest data will be deleted automatically after 3 days.
  • Checking quota: quota -s
  • Checking eos quota; eosquota
  • Checking eos group quota: eosgrpquota <groupName>
  • Checking if a user have write access or not; getent group | grep ^lnujj


  • work area: 100 GB/user (max)
  • check quota using: fs listquota
  • check eos quota: eos quota -p <EOSPath> For example: eos quota -p /eos/cms/store/group/phys_egamma


UFL Grid uses

  • Login: ssh <userName>@melrose.ihepa.ufl.edu
    • Other domain names: gainesville.ihepa.ufl.edu or archer.ihepa.ufl.edu
  • Home area: /home/<userName>
    • 10 Gb per user
  • Working area: /raid/raid9/
    • more space then home area.
  • Webpage is also available
    • To setup:
      • create a directory named: public_html under /home/<userName>
      • put the PHP file from here under the created directory named public_html.
      • You can browse your webpage from here: http://tier2.ihepa.ufl.edu/~<YourUserName>/

TIFR account details

  • Log in into TIFR account: ssh -X <username>@ui.indiacms.res.in

  • path of LFN : /store/user/username

  • To access LFN type this command: $voms-proxy-init --voms cms

  • To change password type: $passwd

  • Site Name for crab jobs: T2_IN_TIFR

  • To List the files do: $rfdir /dpm/indiacms.res.in/home/cms/store/user/<userName>

  • To delete files $rfrm path/of/store/

  • For sotring data use T3 space whose path is /home/<userName>/t3store

  • Path of T2 directory: /dpm/indiacms.res.in/home/cms/store/user/<userName>

  • in CRAB jobs if you white-list T2_IN_TIFR for stageout then crab3 will automatically write at that location. stageout location will be /store/user/rasharma

  • To copy file from ui to lxplus:

    xrdcp root://se01.indiacms.res.in//store/user/<userName>/Path_of_file /localpath
  • To open file at uiwith root in lxplus:

    root -l root://se01.indiacms.res.in//store/user/rchawla/DrellYan-Analysis/DYToEE_M-800_CT10_TuneZ2star_8TeV-powheg-pythia6/crab_DrellYan-Analysis/150511_195346/0000/DYEE_M800_8TeV_AOD_1.root

Some EOS related useful commands

  • Copy file from eos to local area: eos cp /eos/cms/store/user/<UserName>/test.root <Path_Local>

  • copy recursive the complete hierarchy in a directory: eos cp -r /eos/cms/store/<Path_of_file> <outputpath>

  • Find all file under eos directory: eos find -f /eos/cms/user/t/test

  • Find all directory under eos : eos find -d /eos/cms/user/t/test

  • Find command on eos: eos root://cmseos.fnal.gov find

  • Use cernbox: there is an xrootd cernbox endpoint:


    in practice, something like


Some Scripts

copy files from eos to present working directory (pwd)

For tcsh shell

#!/usr/bin/env tcsh
foreach file ( <store-Path>*.root )
    xrdcp -f $file .

Command To check file size and file number

find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -print0 | xargs -0 -I {} sh -c 'echo  $(find "{}" -printf "\n" | wc -l) "{}"' | sort -n -r
    "." => Preset working directory
    "-maxdepth 1 " => Show only for directories in PWD
    "-type d" => Show only for directories

Check file size

du -h --max-depth=1 . | sort -n -r


  1. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9157138/recursively-counting-files-in-a-linux-directory/26458853#26458853
  2. http://www.ducea.com/2006/05/14/tip-how-to-sort-folders-by-size-with-one-command-line-in-linux/

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